GHAV Newsletter Archive
The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine is a pioneer and leader in the field of mind-body-spirit medicine.
As a provider of continuing education for health and mental health care professionals for over 20 years, NICABM is at the forefront of developing and delivering programs with “take home” ideas, immediately adaptable for practitioners to use with their patients. Visit their site at
New Paradigm for Healing Emotional Shock and Trauma
Emotional Shock and Trauma is a new approach to understanding and treating emotional wounds that are rooted in painful experiences of childhood, infancy, birth, or prenatal development (or before). Much of this work is influenced by the innovative developments and discoveries of William Emerson, Ph.D., and Graham Farrant, M.D.
Research continues to point to earlier and earlier experiences as the foundation for most of our conscious and unconscious issues, patterns and struggles. We have discovered (and are continuing to develop) protocols for recognizing and treating the emotional wounds that result from these very early experiences. Read more on the New Paradigm for Healing at
Psychological / Emotional Trauma: An Overview
Psychological or Emotional Trauma is Much Broader Than Current Definitions of PTSD; it has many faces. The ability to recognize emotional trauma has changed radically over the course of history. Until recently psychological trauma was noted only in men after catastrophic wars. The women’s movement in the sixties broadened the definition of emotional trauma to include physically and sexually abused women and children. Now, because of the discoveries made in the nineties – known as the decade of the brain – psychological trauma has further broadened its definition. Read more on Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Causes and Effects, Symptoms and Treatment at
Using EFT to Heal Trauma
EFT has a high success rate with Trauma and Abuse issues, especially when applied to specific events. A trauma, such as a car accident or being betrayed by a friend or lover, can have impacts that reach deep into our subconscious, sometimes causing behaviors or fears many years later. Those behaviors or fears may at first seem unrelated to the old trauma that is actually driving them; however, when we look for core issues to current behavior, those old traumas can show themselves as being huge saboteurs in our lives. Sometimes, we just don’t want to remember the specifics. It’s too painful. If that’s true, we can use EFT by working with whatever we are able to, even if that information is very general. When we start off with general issues, sometimes the EFT journey will include remembering more specifics and sometimes it will not. We just work with what we have. When we do know specific details, it is best to do EFT on those details. Read more on using EFT to heal trauma at
Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, as does people’s response to it. EFT can be used successfully with all of them but this is one area where it may be appropriate to work with a qualified practitioner, at least initially. The primary concern when working with trauma is your safety or the safety of your client. This is paramount as re-traumatising and abreaction are to be avoided at all costs. Trauma influences our cognitive schemas at a profound level. It undermines our beliefs in both ourselves and our existence, and also our sense of reality as we know it. The resulting beliefs can seriously disrupt the every day running of our lives without us necessarily even realizing it. EFT’s effectiveness in working with trauma is extensive. While it can bring immediate relief from traumatic memories, it is also a gentle tool for revealing the many layers and aspects that may be connected with trauma, working through them systematically and effectively until their emotional charge has gone. Read more on using EFT to heal trauma at
Using Radix to Heal Trauma
Radix certified instructors use methods designed to teach how to release emotions held within the muscular structure of the body. Old traumas are worked through in order to focus on unique new experiences of body/soul connections. The guiding principles of Radix are safety, in which deep, painful issues are explored in an atmosphere of trust and comfort, and exploration of a body-awareness approach to trauma. Read more on using Radix to heal trauma HERE.
In response to fear, pain and anger, our bodies develop unconscious patterns of muscular tension and emotional holding patterns as a way of protection. Radix uses verbal and non-verbal techniques to help release the emotional blocks and holding patterns in the muscles. This includes breathing as well as body awareness and movement. Radix is based on the work of Wilhelm Reich who discovered a relationship between the chronic tension in muscles, and emotions. Reich found that loosened muscular contractions along with breathing helped long held feelings to flow through the body. The goal of Radix is to experience and integrate a person’s feelings so that they become more alive and connected to themselves. Clients are guided through an emotional release process where they learn how to maintain boundaries and find a higher level of energy. View the PDF book Reclaiming Healthy Touch by Don Shetterly HERE.
What Every Practitioner Needs to Know about Childhood Trauma and Childhood Disease
Read the report on NICABM’s website:
A Guided Meditation for Healing Trauma (PTSD)
by Belleruth Naparstek: “I designed this guided imagery with help from combat vets, survivors of rape, bombings, accidents, natural disasters and incest, and I think it’s the best work I’ve done. It goes very deep, and seems to work best with seasoned wounds.”
Purchase the CD on or Health
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