August, 2014 Workshops for The Telling 2015
Telling Workshop – Session One
Application for The Telling Workshop – Non-refundable application fee: $15.00
Workshop for The Telling – Fee: $197.00
Introduction: Friday, August 15 5pm – 7pm
Workshop: Saturday, August 16, 11am – 3pm
Sunday, August 17, 11am – 3pm
Location: TBA
One Day Workshop
One Day Workshop – Fee: $67
Workshop: Sunday August 24, 11am – 3pm
Location: TBA
Telling Workshop – Session Two
Application for The Telling Workshop – Non-refundable application fee: $15.00
Workshop for The Telling – Fee: $197.00
Introduction: Friday, August 29 5pm – 7pm
Workshop: Saturday, August 30, 11am – 3pm
Sunday, August 31st, 11am – 3pm
Location: Shall We Dance Studio – 600 S. Federal Hwy, Ste. 219 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441
All proceeds from application and workshop fees are a tax-deductible contribution to Give Her A Voice, and funding for the Telling workshops and Productions.
Initial Application criteria: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
1. General Information
2. A short essay explaining your interest in GHAV’s mission and vision
3. One minute video or written paragraph of your artistic dream
4. Sign releases and disclosure
Please return application and attached materials (link to video, portfolio, etc.) to:
Call Evelyn Park at 305-803-0972 for more information
Please use the ONE-TIME DONATION button on the right to pay the non-refundable $15.00 application fee.
You will receive an email receipt confirming payment within 24 hours.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to Give Her A Voice, Inc.
Mail to:
Give Her A Voice
Attn: Ronald A. Luzim
5531 University Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33067
– Film interview: Finding the story
– Using the senses, feelings, and memories to dramatize story
– Dramatic monologue, movement, dance, song to tell the story
– Working with group to structure, script and rehearse
– Receive support of the group to birth story
– Transformative and creative process for storytelling
– Learning the edges, boundaries and containment to create story structure
Application Interview and Process for The Telling
The current status of participants entering The Telling is reviewed on a person by person basis based on the following criteria. Each individual is unique in finding wholeness and healing. Give Her Voice, Inc, supports a safe space to explore, express and emerge from the trauma of complex trauma through the creative process, spiritual practice, and recovery steps. The Telling, a multi-media production integrates each person’s experience of themselves, opens their heart to love and compassion, and ignites the power of the inner artist, creative vision, and their belongingness to help the community.
The Telling is for:
- Artists and aspiring artists who want to weave art and healing with conscious intention
- Women who have been through a recovery process and seek in-powerment
- Women who want to use their story of recovery to find their creative voice
- Women artists, leaders and trailblazers
- Women who believe creativity is a spiritual path
- Women who have the courage and compassion to be strong, expressive, vulnerable and imperfect
- Women who want the support of a powerful community of women who speak their truth
- Women who want to commit to making a difference in the world.
The Telling is not for:
- Women still needing intervention, privacy and learning recovery skills
- Women in legal complications, divorce, needing safety from abusers
- Women protecting their families from harm
- Women in the midst of depression, grief, rage, PTSD, and who are not active recovery of their addictions.
- Women who aren’t ready to be public with their recovery
- Women who do not believe creativity and spirituality has anything to do with healing